Read Moreabout How To Lead A Bible Study Group That Sparks Discussion How to Improve Bible Study Habits in 5 Easy Steps Getting into the Word and praying daily has been my saving grace in some of my life's darkest valleys and even in the brightest moments. When I began reading my Bible...
This primer is intended to help you and your church to start, lead, develop, grow, and manage Bible studies. From small group Bible studies as well as larger Bible Studies to even very large Bible studies, the principals apply to both small and large groups. The difference is how you le...
In addition, Bible study groups help people apply the teachings of the Bible to their everyday lives. It’s one thing to read scripture, but when we talk about it in a group, we can see how it relates to our personal experiences. This can lead to real-life changes and a stronger com...
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant....
One of the more valuable ways group leaders can serve group members in a Bible study is to provide context for the Bible passage or passages under discussion. By “context,” I am talking about basic information that helps group members understand why that passage was written, to whom it was...
Apologia would be honored to be chosen as a curriculum in your co-op. Working together, we can help you have the joy and honor of providing a learning environment for students that helps them become rooted and firmly established in faith by recognizing God’s signature throughout all of crea...
You can be the match that ignites a great Bible discussion! You only need a few basic skills. This handbook by Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch will show you how to lead discussion, how to start a group, how to decide what to study and much more.Jack Kuhatschek...
Bible Pronunciation: A PhD provides audio bible snippets for how to pronounce, and how do you pronounce, and how do I pronouce biblical names. biblical words correctly.
With this discovery, God really gave me a new Bible! I had not yet learned how to make the Bible my prayer book. It gave me a new motivation for Bible study. I began to "dig in". I would now search the Scriptures...meditate... mark its many promises... memorize, memorize, memor...
In the How to Study the Bible podcast, Nicole Unice brings life back to reading the Bible through her Alive Method of Bible study.