Landscaping blocks are versatile, attractive materials that can enhance any kind of outdoor space. Because landscaping blocks are usually solid, their own weight holds them together, so you don’t need to use mortar or cement for stability. Landscaping blocks come in a wide range of colors, sh...
Pro-Talk:Parging is a technique used to finish the surface of a masonry wall with a thin layer of mortar. Finish If you’re looking closely, you’ll notice that not all the blocks are filled at this point. The guys use left over mortar to eliminate waste, and even though I’m callin...
While your brand is the sum of your consistent assets over time —your logo sits at the heart of your branding efforts. A logo is often the first and most prominent presentation of your business to the world, and it can largely cement your initial brand perception. ...
Mix your mortar mix by following the directions on the bag. Once you have a pancake batter consistency, spread two lines of mortar inside the chalk line. Place one right on the line and the other about 7 inches over. Lay your cement blocks into this mud bed. As you tap the blocks lev...
Align the wooden post with the cement block. For gate or other fence post installations, use a carpenter's level to check that the post is level, or plumb, from top to bottom. Step 3 Position the pilot-drilled post against the blocks. Drill through every pilot hole in the post with a...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a polymer cement mortar composition which can be used as a barrier material for repairing reinforced concrete and a cross-section repair material. In addition, provide a simpler method for repairing reinforced concrete that can be repaired after sufficiently ...
4. End Your Cover Letter for Scholarship with a Call to Action Key Takeaways About Zety’s Editorial Process Sources Scroll back to the top A well-written cover letter for scholarship can open doors to incredible opportunities, despite the fierce competition. Your scholarship cover letter is your...
16 inches. Drill a hole through the post with a ¼-inch bit on every mark. Install a 1-inch paddle bit and drill down into each of these pilot holes to a depth of 1 inch. This will serve as a countersink to allow the concrete screw to tighten to the cement blocks more ...
When working with cement, concrete, mortar, or stucco, protect the decking as much as possible in order to not get dust particles on the decking surface. These particles, once they get hot or wet, can cause a reaction on the decking surface and are very difficult to remove. If particles...
A logo is often the first and most prominent presentation of your business to the world, and it can largely cement your initial brand perception. If you need help with how to design a logo, look at existing brands for inspiration, like the interlocking C’s in Chanel’s logo or the ...