VM 应用程序是 Azure Compute Gallery(以前称为“共享映像库”)中的一种资源类型,可以简化虚拟机应用程序的管理、共享和全局分发。先决条件在开始之前,请确保满足以下条件:本文假设你已有 Azure Compute Gallery。 如果你没有这种库,请先创建一个。 若要了解详细信息,请参阅创建一个库来存储和共享资源。
建立VM 應用程式 請選擇下列選項,以建立 VM 應用程式定義和版本: 入口網站 CLI PowerShell REST 請前往 [Azure 入口網站],再搜尋並選取 [Azure Compute Gallery]。 從資源庫選取您要使用的映像。 在資源庫分頁上,請在頁面頂端選取 [新增],再從下拉式清單中選取 [VM 應用程式定義]。 [建立 VM 應用程式定義]...
Azure 虛擬桌面需要 Active Directory 網域服務 (AD DS)。 將網域加入工作模式主機 VM 到這個 AD DS。 將 AD DS 與 Microsoft Entra ID 同步,讓使用者在兩者之間產生關聯。 基礎結構與系統需求 Azure 虛擬桌面需要下列基礎結構、用戶端和影像。 基礎結構 您可以在僅雲端組織或混合式環境中使用 Azure 虛擬桌面。
configuration helps improve the security of the VM and reduces the area for potential attack. Or, create and use an Azure Bastion host that allows access only through the Azure portal over TLS. In the next step of this tutorial, you use an Azure Bastion host to securely conne...
Azure CLI Azure portal Azure PowerShell For Windows, build an IIS web server within a Windows Server 2016 VM using: Azure CLI Azure portal Azure PowerShell Migrate to the cloud Manage costs and migrate apps, data, and infrastructure with these free resources: Start your cloud journey at the ...
This shouldn’t be rocket science here. It’s very clear that “this is an error” is, in fact, an error. So, with this universal fact determined, let’s run it on an Azure VM. Copy Set-AzVmRunCommand-ResourceGroupName$rg-VMName$vm-Location$loc-RunCommandName"MyRuncommand"-SourceScrip...
Deliver desktop and app virtualization experiences to almost any device, with VMs running where you need them with Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure Stack HCI.
2. Latencyis the length of time that it takes data to reach from one end of the connection to the other (e.g. from the end-user’s device to the Azure VM). In our water pipe analogy, it is the length of the pipe. The base latency of a network connection is determined b...
By default, VMs created in Azure are assigned dynamic IP addresses that can change. Explore how and when to create static IPs in Azure in case of a system restart or failure, rather than trying to change IPs in the VM OS itself.
Introducing (in preview)Connecting to a VM using the native client. With this configuration, we’ll tell the native RDP client to “tunnel through” Azure Bastion, using an Azure CLI command. Let’s learn how to configure it and how to use it!