Users take just a few seconds to decide whether your app is worth an install. With millions of apps being launched each year, it’s not like they’re short of options. If you want your app to stand out, you have to master the art of optimizing your mobile app launch. But the millio...
Over the years, our expert developers at MindSea have successfully built and launched apps that have been used by millions. There is no guaranteed method to catapult your app to the top of charts, but we want to share a few pro tips that we have found to be essential for the launch of...
New app-to-app communication APIs in Windows 10 make it possible for Windows apps (and Windows Web apps) to launch an app and exchange data and files. This enables you to build mash-up solutions from multiple apps. Using these new APIs, complex tasks that would have required the user to...
WhatsApp Us for services related interaction. Languages offered : English/ हिन्दी/ తెలుగు/ தமிழ் Available 24 Hours / 7 days Scan to access Galaxy Fold: How to launch app windows from notifications...
launch, and improve your app, you’ll be happy you did. The single condition to a successful business is a paying customer. If you want to thrive in any marketplace, especially a competitive one like Shopify, you need to be customer-obsessed from day one and work backwards from their nee...
For more info about launching apps by using URI schemes, seeHow to launch the default app for a URI. Settings pages that you can display The following table lists the URIs that you can use to display built-in settings pages. The Supported SKUs column indicates whether the settings page exis...
How to launch apple watch app from companion app? App & System Services General WatchKit watchOS ropims Created Jul ’23 Replies 2 Boosts 0 Views 1k Participants 4 Is there a way to open an app on Apple Watch from the iOS companion app as Maps is doing? When a navigation is ...
For more info about launching apps by using URI schemes, seeHow to launch the default app for a URI. Settings pages that you can display The following table lists the URIs that you can use to display built-in settings pages. The Supported SKUs column indicates whether the settings page exis...
var options = new Windows.System.LauncherOptions(); options.preferredApplicationPackageFamilyName = "Contoso.URIApp_8wknc82po1e"; options.preferredApplicationDisplayName = "Contoso URI App"; // Launch the URI and pass in the recommended app // in case the user has no apps installed to handle...
apps installed to handle the file concurrency::task<bool> launchFileOperation(Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchFileAsync(file, launchOptions)); launchFileOperation.then([](bool success) { if (success) { // File launched } else { // File launch failed } }); } else { // Could not find...