Once you’ve climbed those ladders, you’ll find another path with a useless ladder on it. This time, you need to get Seyka to use the elevator to haul up another ballista. Then, get Aloy to place a new climbing point so the pair can move into the base here. ...
Finally, use the Wind Temple fast travel point to reset and thenjump off the side of the ship. Glide yourway down to the bottom, and you’ll find thefifth Wind Temple Gear lock at the center, which should be close to the ship’s center. This should be one of the e...
Upstairs, Zelda will need to learn theDecorative-shrub echo. Interact with the glowing planter in the room to unlock it. Climb the ladder to the left and place two Decorative-shrub echoes to create a bridge across the gap in green plants. Cross the bridge we’ve made left, then make ano...
4. If you’re in a large testing department, then the career ladder will usually have advanced titles like Lead Tester, or Director of Test. But many testers move out of the testing department into other departments, for example to become an Associate Producer on a dev team. That should ...
Grab the supplies, then cross the yellow rope to grab the Depot Office key. Look left and down; shoot the ladder to lower it, then jump down. Use the handholds and ladder to get up to the locked red door. Use the key, and enter thedoor code: 1923. It’s the year the buildi...
Welcome to our series of Legends of Runeterra guides that explores the ins and outs of Riot Games’ F2P CCG. I’m a Master-tier player on the EUW ladder with a long history of playing card games. With that said, let’s jump into our first topic: the Initiative system. Recommended ...
You need to find a way to get into the building. Push over the tree to get into the tower. After that, the climbing path inside is pretty straightforward. Get to the top of the building and jump to the other side. Jump through the hole with the ladder to land where the survivors ...
Head north and climb the ladder to the right of the bridge, then turn left and cross the bridge. Follow the path until you reach a broken ladder, then climb the ladder, using your Grappling Hook to cross the gap in it. Turn right at the top, use a Wall Jump to reach the wooden ...
Fixed an issue where explosive bullet kills would not progress the weapon ladder in Gun Game MWII RANKED PLAY Season 05 of MWII Ranked Play features NEW Seasonal Rewards to unlock, including the Pro Re-Issue TAQ-56, Division Weapon Camos, and much more. ...
Once you’ve fully explored the first secret area, it’s time to move forward. You’ll come across a ladder and might notice the hanging bars you can jump to on your left. Jump across these and then use a double jump to get up onto the next platform. Continue climbing to...