They are mostly composed of desmosomal cadherins along with other proteins. By linking to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton, they form adhesive bonds, which provide tissues mechanical strength. This is seen in tissues such as the skin and...
In fact I made them in late April while I was learning how to use and had not figured out how to label axes yet. there is a little icon at the upper right corner that looks like a monkey wrench. If you click on it it gives you the...
CVLChange Volume Label CVLComputer Vision Laboratory CVLCentre de Voile de l'Aber Wrac'h(French: Aber Wrac'h Sailing Center; Aber Wrac'h, France) CVLCentral Venous Line CVLLight Aircraft Carrier(US Navy ship designation) CVLCreditors Voluntary Liquidation ...
SMRSahaja Music Records(record label) SMRSpecial Management Review SMRStatute Mile Radius SMRStock Management Report SMRSignature Measurement Radar SMRSaint Mary's of Redford(school) SMRSurveillance Médicale Règlementaire(French: Monitoring Medical Examination) ...