Buddy wrote: I'm crossing over from SAS, so am having problems with some elementary procedures, so appreciate your patience. I'm using STATA 8. I understand how to assign one variable to one value label (i.e. label values variablename labelname) I'm wondering how to assign several ...
webusegrunfeld就可以用是因为这个文件是stata公司已经整理好格式后放在网络共享你自己下载后定义面板数据变量后就可以使用啦结果一 题目 stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ inv...
In each loop i generate a newvar called atc_`xx' if atc== `xx' and collapse (sum) of this variable. My problem however that instead of atc_`xx' I would like the variable to be named after the original string var atc which equals the label of n_atc. Is there anyway you can ...
stata no panel variable set,use tssethow to deal with it this is the help from stata.[P] error ...Return code 198invalid syntax;___ invalid;range invalid;___ invalid obs no;invalid filename;___ invalid varnam
In the context of factor analysis, a factor is a hidden or underlying variable that we infer from a set of directly measurable variables. Take ‘customer purchase satisfaction’ as an example again. This isn’t a variable you can directly ask a customer to rate, but it can be determined ...
Enter the following formula in cellI5: =MylastrowFunction(H5,B5:F15,5) Explanation: This user-definedVBAfunction loops through each cell in the specified range and checks if it matches the value. It updates the variable to the current row number when a match is found. ...
That’s it. It takes only two lines to normalize a variable. What arer(mean)andr(sd), and how did I know about them? In Stata, almost all commands return results. Estimation commands return their results ase()values, and most other commands return their results asr()values. I learned ...
# coerce this result to a data.frame object map.df <- na.omit( as.data.frame( bbpro.map ) ) # name your variable something less mathy map.df$im <- map.df[ , paste0( "k.wprev.N" , your.N , ".RInf" ) ] # sort and move on. map.df <- map.df[ order( map.df...
Error in keras_model_sequential() : file name conversion problem -- name too long? Plotting quantile regression coefficients Converting a continuous variable to a discrete value for regression I need help to add the title to a MCA factor map plot Degree of vertex Plot() does only ...
In this tutorial, you will discover how to use the McNemar’s statistical hypothesis test to compare machine learning classifier models on a single test dataset. After completing this tutorial, you will know: The recommendation of the McNemar’s test for models that are expensive to train, which...