1 Define a variable by concatenating a string with a number in a loop of Stata 2 How to create string variable referencing other string variables in Stata? 1 Create a variable which is only a certain portion of a string variable in Stata 0 Stata: Concatenate string variable on by ...
I want to store a list of variable names in a new local variable, such that I do not have to type a long list of variable names for each regression. I am using Stata 14. E.g., I have the following 5 independent variables:a b c d eand one dependent variable:f I don't want: ...
does not work I just get missing values. Presumably that is because mydate variable is not in the order: day - month - year, but rather year -month - day.I then thought I would redo the variable into a correct order and firsttried to create 3 separate string variables out of each da...
I would be very grateful for any advice as to how I can turn mydate variable into a variable Stata10 can recognise, The date (and string) functions in Stata are powerful, so they areworth learning. However, to use them correctly, there really is nosubstitute for reading the help files ...
Learn about factor analysis - a simple way to condense the data in many variables into a just a few variables.
That’s it. It takes only two lines to normalize a variable. What arer(mean)andr(sd), and how did I know about them? In Stata, almost all commands return results. Estimation commands return their results ase()values, and most other commands return their results asr()values. I learned ...
试题来源: 解析 意思是说没有面板数据变量在这之前可以把你导入的普通数据转变为面板数据格式后才可以用tsset或者xtset定义面板数据变量webuse grunfeld就可以用是因为这个文件是stata公司已经整理好格式后放在网络共享你自己下载后定义面板数据变量后就可以使用啦 ...
# coerce this result to a data.frame object map.df <- na.omit( as.data.frame( bbpro.map ) ) # name your variable something less mathy map.df$im <- map.df[ , paste0( "k.wprev.N" , your.N , ".RInf" ) ] # sort and move on. map.df <- map.df[ order( map.df...
I would like to create an indicator variable DIBP that takes a value of 1 if the same drug was supplied during both period 1 and period 2 of a given year, and zero otherwise. Period 1 is 1 April to 30 June, and period 2 is 1 October to 31 December. I hav...
> Subject: Re: st: How to show variable label in a graph title > > Lin, try this: > > local mytitle "`: variable label `1''" > display `"label of `1' is `mytitle'"' > twoway (bar percent demoseq, color(green)) (rcap upper_ci lower_ci > demoseq), title(`"`mytitle...