Choose your health and beauty products wisely.Xenoestrogens have a similar molecular structure to estrogen.Bisphenol A (BPA), which is often used in plastics, is an example of an xenoestrogen. When these substances enter our bodies, our system reacts as if they are actual estrogen. Some simpl...
Get to know your body Here’s a question you may have never been asked: Could you pick out your own clitoris if you saw it in real life? “Many women are out of touch with their own sexuality,” notes Buehler. “That means that they may not connect with sexual feelings or urges....
These points will help you in framing an idea only. As we know, losing hair is a process caused by many reasons. It is best to get medical checkups if you feel these symptoms and be certain about your testosterone levels. Importance of High Level ...
At this point, an increase in another special hormone, called luteinizing hormone, signals that it's time to release the egg. This phase of your menstrual cycle gets a lot of attention because if you're trying to have a baby, it's best to have sex around this time. If you have a 2...
3. Intercept Your Man’s Drive To The Finish Line When it comes to the best tips on how to get an orgasm for men, you should know and then try to follow this tip for good. Keep in mind that the longer the foreplay is, the more powerful the orgasm you and your partner have. Howe...
Here’s what happens to your brain when you're in love: Your brain partially shuts down. Lust and attraction actually shut down the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which helps you make rational decisions. After all, lust has no need for logic — testosterone and estrogen are secreted by ...
» Learn how tobalance testosterone and estrogento improve your well-being Abnormally low levels lead to irregular periods, mood changes, and sleeping difficulties. On the other hand, exceedingly high may lead to heavier and more frequent periods, worsened PMS symptoms, and fatigue. Both of thes...
Some clinicians may only test for T4, but T3 is also important to test, as some individuals may not be converting T4 to the active T3 properly. Thus, people may have a normal T4, but a low T3 level. How Do You Know If You Are Converting Correctly?
structurally resemble natural hormones, allowing them to bind to hormone receptors. This can trigger responses similar to those caused by the body's own hormones, potentially leading to the overactivation of certain processes. For example, phthalates in plastic can weaken estrogen receptors and d...
If the estrogen level rises, then there is a good chance that your testosterone is lowering. This is where those dreaded man boobs come into play. Men that have too much estrogen will develop excess body fat and breasts. They also might not have the body hair that they used to. ...