To know your credit score, you will need to obtain a credit report from one of theCredit reference bureaus(CRB)in Uganda. What is a Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)? A Credit Reference Bureau (CRB) is a company licensed by the Bank of Uganda to collect and compile credit information on ind...
Urban Kenyans is an online platform that enlightens Kenyans by showing them how things are done online in Kenya. We update you on what you need to know.
Experience shows that you can never be too paranoid about system backups. When it comes to protecting and preserving precious data, it is best to go the extra mile and make sure you can depend on your backups if the need arises. Even today, when somecloud and hosting providersoffer automa...
We must know the SFTP location to deliver to and the appropriate information (username/password, etc.) to do this. SFTP must be on Port 22. The public key must be in PGP format, with the extension *.asc. Or you can send your PGP Block, and we can save it accordingly in ...
# dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb # dnf install epel-release How to Install EPEL Repository on RHEL 8 Systems To install theEPELrepository onRHEL 8-basedrelease systems, use: Install EPEL Repo on RHEL 8 # subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-$(arch)-rpms ...
If you play on Friday nights at your cousin's house, your cousin decides the house rules. If you're playing in a major tournament at a casino, the casino's rules apply. Make sure you know the house rules where you plan to play, and don't be afraid to ask -- before you buy-in...
Do not request an authorization approval, but compare the card number to the current Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB). This action is no longer required for merchants using chip terminals or under certain circumstances, so check with your acquirer to confirm the status in your location. ...
We must know the SFTP location to deliver to and the appropriate information (username/password, etc.) to do this. SFTP must be on Port 22. The public key must be in PGP format, with the extension *.asc. Or you can send your PGP Block, and we can save it accordingly ...