We have found their WHOIS lookup tool to be incredibly useful. It searches the public WHOIS database for information about registered domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates the WHOIS database, which stores information such as the domain registrant’...
We are here to tell you that that’s not true. You can have your own, professional-looking website without any programming skills. In fact, all you need is to know how to use your computer mouse and write on your keyboard. Sound hard to believe? Seeing is believing, so in this artic...
Another similar solution – again, it’s Hostinger who installs WordPress for you and gets the initial setup all done. Additionally, Hostinger’s offer allows for setting up even up to 100 websites on one account for a single low price of $2.24 / mo. Set up your WordPress site on Hosti...
A professional online presence can help push your career in the right direction. This guide explains how to make a personal website from scratch - for free.
Here’s how to write website content, in order of priority: Create aHomepage where people can land. Create anAboutpage so visitors know who’s behind the website. Create aContactpage so people have a way to reach you. Once these three core pages are complete, you’ve covered the basics...
While the site serves to attract new bookings, its main focus is to educate existing prospects on what sets Cleverchefs apart. Since their website represents the ethos of their company so well, it has become an incredibly helpful tool in closing clients who share similar values and appreciate ...
In this article, we will show you how to easily create an author’s website in WordPress without hiring a developer. From choosing the right theme and setting up essential plugins to customizing your site to reflect your brand, we’ll cover everything you need to know. Here is the list...
This article will walk you through everything you need to know to make a website from scratch. We'll begin by discussing what type of site you want to create and choosing the right domain name. Then we'll find web hosting and set up your account. Once that's done, we'll show you...
Want to know how to make money from a website? You’re in the right place. There are thousands of bloggers and entrepreneurs out there that make a full-time income from their websites. The most successful make thousands (or even tens of thousands) of dollars every month. ...
Create your own website in 3 easy steps. Learn how to create a website, then publish it to the web. Info on hosting, domain names, and more.