When you start a blog, think long term. To motivate yourself to blog regularly, you’ll need to write about something you’re genuinely interested in. If you choose a topic solely on the basis of its being popular or profitable, your efforts will peter out pretty quickly, along with your...
Disclosure:Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind. When you use one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, ...
When you first install WordPress, it comes with a default theme, but you actually have 13,000+ free themes to choose from, plus thousands of premium ones. Free themes are available in the official theme directory, while premium themes can be found on marketplaces or developer websites. If ...
While it was fun to write about breakdancing, it was a tough market to crack. When we started, there weren’t any other niche sites about breakdancing. Our competing sites were mostly e-commerce stores selling apparel for breakdancers. In hindsight, that should have been a warning sign. If...
Apinned postis a WordPress post that shows up on top of all other posts on your site, regardless of the date it was published. Posts are what drive the RSS feed of your WordPress blog. When visitors subscribe to your RSS feed, your posts will be the content dispatched to them. ...
project and you are about to convert your lab book entries into a scientific publication. You realize however that you need a narrative for presenting your data and questions are floating around in your mind, such as: prior to submission, what needs to be thought about when preparing the ...
When I was young, my grandfather took me to the park to feed the ducks. I’d ask him questions, and he always had an answer. Years later, I realized he knew nothing about ducks—he had been making everything up! While this anecdote has characters and a setting, it lacks a structured...
Want to know How to Start a Blog and Make Money Writing Online? Pick the best hosting, domain, blogging theme, and start writing great content!
You don’t want to be close to the finish line when you need to use the money to pay for college, then lose a lot of your investment due to a bad day in the stock market. “Make sure you are revisiting risk tolerance within the plan the closer you get to using the funds f...
When I decided to learn how to start a blog I had no idea where to begin. Since that day, I can honestly say that starting a blog was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. What people don’t realize is that it doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. In fact, you can...