When you take antibiotics, they start working right away. But how long it takes for you to feel better depends on what kind of infection you have and how bad it is. Usually, you'll start feeling better within a few days, but it might take up to 2 weeks for some infections. Even if...
When it comes to the actual trimming, you ideally want to make a single cut on each nail, and you want to cut enough of the nails away so that you won’t have to repeat the process in another week. With that said, you must take care not to cut too far down. If you cut the q...
While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to preventing alcoholism, it is important to be aware of the risk factors and seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse. Is Alcohol Abuse Hereditary? The terms “genetic” and “hereditary” are largely interchangeable ...
When we are asleep, the area at the back of the throat sometimes narrows as the muscles relax, and even close off temporarily. The same amount of air passing through this smaller opening more rapidly can cause the tissues surrounding the opening to vibrate, which in turn can cause the sound...
When it comes to the actual trimming, you ideally want to make a single cut on each nail, and you want to cut enough of the nails away so that you won’t have to repeat the process in another week. With that said, you must take care not to cut too far down. If you cut the ...
if someone you know is suffering from a respiratory infection, you should keep at least 3 feet away from them. Besides, when you sneeze or cough, you should be kind to other people. Remember that bacterial meningitis does not easily transmit. You will not have meningitis by breathing in the...
Once a solid scab has formed, you can take off the bandage. When do I need to call my doctor? Check with your doctor or go to the emergency room if: The cut is deep, long, or the edges are jagged. You may needstitchesand atetanus shot. ...
Learn how to take care of your oily skin in humid weather with these simple skincare tips that will help keep your skin looking and feeling its best.
Want to know how to stop diarrhea symptoms like dizziness or weakness that are tied to dehydration? Drinking enough water is critical when you’re losing so much in your stool. To keep dehydration symptomsfrom getting worsewhen you have diarrhea, try to drink 16 ounces of fluids about every ...
You may be surprised to know that cigars don’t need to get inhaled as much as you should be doing so when smoking cigarettes. Due to its nature of being enjoyed, the cigar becomes a better choice to stick with since you don’t have to inhale it. ...