Join our Mental Health World now to kill stress with some meditation, mental exercises, puzzles, as well as some information on mental health disorders. If you've got some need-to-know info, then make sure to share it with the rest of us. - Ask question
While this may be the best way to expresshealthy anger, it’s often difficult for many people to ignore the urge to say what’s on their mind in the heat of the moment. You may snap and say or do something hurtful to someone, and when the adrenaline rush passes, you’re faced with...
If you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it is important to learn how to stop obsessive thoughts. Explore techniques that can help stop OCD thoughts.
When you are weak or don’t have trust in the relationship due to past issues, you are more susceptible to these obsessive thoughts. Trust, as we all know, is the foundation of a healthy partnership, and its absence can fuel suspicion and doubt. 5. Emotional distance Emotional intimacy wea...
t run for the hills once they get to know me?” What I could say instead is something like “I’m not crazy, I just have OCD. I do have friends that love me, though I am scared of how others might view me and that makes not nervous to let knew people get to know me. Im ...
The best way to know if you have OCD is to consult with an OCD specialist. That said, there are times when prolonged staring—or going out of your way to avoid looking at someone or something—is unrelated to OCD. Here are other explanations for what could be going on: Social anxiety ...
while OCD obsessions tend to be significantly more unrealistic. Also, while someone with GAD (oranyonefor that matter) may experience unwanted thoughts similar to those experienced by people with OCD, they are generally able to quickly write those thoughts off as being unrealistic. They are unlikel...
If you are, stop! You already know struggling doesn’t work; that’s what you’ve been doing prior to picking up our book and listening to these tapes. The success of the skills we’ve described here depends on your willingness to give up the struggle. When you stop the struggle you ...
WA: If the behavior of an OCD co-worker is affecting one’s own work, how should that person proceed to let the OCD co-worker know about this situation? Is talking to a manager the best approach? Talking directly with the person?
By the way, if you or someone you know is struggling with OCD,schedule a free call todaywith the NOCD clinical team to learn more about how a licensed therapist can help. ERP is most effective when the therapist conducting the treatment has experience with OCD and training in ERP. At NO...