The Shadow Blade was taken from Black Ops 4, where Ripper utilized it to great success. In COD Mobile, it acts the same way, as players run around with a Katana in third-person. Unlocking the Shadow Blade Operator Skill in COD Mobile The Shadow Blade skill is purchasable for 2,000 cred...
Being able to identify any error messages you see means you'll know if you can take action yourself, or if you just have to wait it out. I've put together this list of the most common issues players have run into, so you can see if there's a solution available in my extensive com...
Had my aunt Gay not happened to be there the day before the lockdown, and happened to hear that a lockdown was going into effect the next day, my 108-year-old grandmother would have been trapped there for 11 weeks now with no face-to-face contact with other humans. I don’t believe...
I believe I have indirectly mentioned how I got into gaming in a number of other articles here on PP, but I thought it might be nice if I heard how you did. To do that it only seemed fair that I share first. So, with that in mind, here is my story…. I have to admit to ...