But also, don't worry -you don't need to know the address to perform an I2C scan. It just helps to know what to expect from the scan results. Knowing your device I2C address is not required to perform a scan. There are some devices that have more than one I2C address! Especially ...
case kLPI2C_SlaveReceiveEvent:xfer->data = m_slave_buff; xfer->dataSize = sizeof(m_slave_buff);break;case kLPI2C_SlaveCompletionEvent:m_SlaveCompletionFlag = true;/* here how to know the exact receive complete and transfer complete how to know specific is ...
Each I2C device must contain a unique address and the address range from 0 to 127 or (0 to 0X7F) in HEX. For example, if we are using two OLED displays of the same model number or product both will have the same I2C address so we cannot use both on the same I2C line in ESP32....
this particular board has a TDA19988 for hdmi output, we need to develop a driver in vhdl to acces from this fpga cyclone V fpga to hdmi TDA19988, we only know that registers is 0x70, and the I2C address of the CEC registers is 0x34, there is any chance to know more ...
Part Number: TCA9555 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9548A , TCA9546A Dears I need to use 20set I2C slaver with the same I2C address and can't be changed
in which I'd be able to observe on my logic analyzer. I'm sending the SID address of I2C in my bytearray, but I have trouble getting any type of signal to get back from I2C to Pico. I've input random bytearrays in order to get a NAK bit of 1 with no avail. I have a few...
Also - you don't need to start the config block at 0x01 (I2C address register) every time. But we wanted to emulate the ST approach to eliminate as many unknowns as possible. If anyone is able to figure out a way to change the I2C address, that would be great to know! I'll lea...
HAL_I2C_Mem_Write( &hi2c2, 0xAA, 0x60, 1, TxData, 1, 10); 13. HAL_I2C_Mem_Read ( &hi2c2, BATT_CHK_I2C_ADDRESS, 0x3a, 1, RxData, 2, 10 ); Where something wrong? I don't know the Step. How to use it to coding?
I believe the way to access the I2C is the same way as how you usually access the other IP (with debug agents). Claim the master service and access the memory ranges based on the IP base address. Best Regards, Richard Tan Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Richard...
And I implemented I2C communication through the Infineon example file However, I don't know how to apply it. @YunSeBong, 1. Can you please share the hardware schematic if any. 2. Steps: TC375 LK - Master; LCD - Slave --Specify the I2C address of LCD in #define slave_address ...