“Trash cache” is an old tech-support trick that seems like it shouldn’t work anymore–shouldn’t apps be sufficiently self-aware to know when they’re ingesting corrupted temporary data?–and yet it seems to have worked in this case. Will the fix stick? I sure hope so, at least unt...
Those familiar with Libertarianism and BLOGDIAL can guess what we are going to say about this. First of all, the people who run this service do not know what rights are. In the Delicious entry for example, they say that users have ‘No Right to leave the service’. There is no such ...
The military, which had previously controlled the country, was alleging voter fraud by the civilian government. Some political analysts were warning of civil unrest and a possible coup. Armed with this broader insight, the company would likely have taken a strategic decision to ‘wait and see’ ...
So was the one-sided reporting on the Charlottesville event of last month. As you well know, Br. Nat, these Jews are pathological liars. They use the media to spew their lies in an attempt to brainwash the masses. I’m sure they lied about the recent mass shooting event in Las ...
To elucidate the evils of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and cap-and-trade, he inveighs against liberal elites: “They want to control you, because like the kings of old, they believe they know better than you.” To highlight what’s at stake in 2012, he unfurls a grand (and entirely farka...