System.out.println(repositories.get(0).getCurrentBranch()); } Assuming you are using intellij community edition to build your plugin, you will need to add the following: /snap/intellij-idea-community/185/plugins/git4idea/lib/git4idea.jar ...
Steps to making the current branch a master In this snippet, we will go through an example of making your current git branch to a master branch. For meeting this goal you should follow the steps below: Checkout to the right branch Make sure that, currently, you are on the branch you ...
The sections below explain the different uses ofgit branchand how it can be used for branch management. Create New Branch in Git There are many ways to create a new Git branch. In most cases, it comes down to whether you are creating a branch from the main (master) branch or, for ex...
You can change which branches will be pushed when saying git push. Our recommendation is to set it to current. From the git-config documentation: p...
How to create a new branch in a remote repository? Note on Ambiguous Names What is a branch? A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to [a commit]. The default branch name in Git is master. What is Git Branching?
After a revision, the branch is the most important concept in version control. Git is no exception, and it encourages the use of branches more than most. They're easy and quick to work with. How you use branches depends on the project you’re working on—if it’s not your own project...
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin <branchname> Then the issue is that you have not configured git to always create new branches on the remote from local ones. The permanent fix if you always want to just create that new branch...
To “git pull” into a branch that is not the current one, the “git pull ” command can be used.
Git notifies you when you add or modify files in the directory that contains the Git repository. However, itdoes not trackthe file unless instructed. Git saves the changes only for the files it tracks, so you need to let Git know you want to track changes for a specific file. ...
As you will likely recall from our introductory guide on everything Git, you can create discrete branches in your project, upon which you can make changes, test things, and work non-destructively, always reserving the option to “check out” other branches. The branch functionality is one of...