A smooth, ordinary wool yarn is great for a first project. It's easy to knit with, and allows you tosee what you're doing, and learn from mistakes. If you look at the yarn label, it will have a recommended needle size (look for an icon of two crossed knitting needles, with a nu...
Learn the basics of how to knit a hat with this easy knitting tutorial from GH Design Director Mariana Tuma. It's so simple to make, and it's the perfect DIY holiday gift for family and friends. Plus, the world's your oyster when it comes to the colors you choose! DOWNLOAD THE PAT...
Knitting My mother knew how to knit (编织), but she never taught me. She assumed, as did many women of her generation, that knitting was no longer a skill worth passing down from mother to daughter. A combination of feminism (女权主义) and consumerism (浪费主义) made many women feel th...
53-How to knit a road 如何编织一条路 1404 播放恩怨尽 在不利与艰难遭遇里百折不饶。 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~选集(125) 自动播放 [1] 02-Climate change... 3881播放 04:15 [2] 05-Big oil in Ira... 1357播放 03:04 [3] 06-The shadow cas.....
How to Knit 作者:Watt, Fiona 出版年:2009-11 页数:64 定价:£ 12.99 ISBN:9781409510130 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
4.Repeat 8-15 times, depending on how wide you want the scarf. 根据你希望的围巾的宽度,重复第3步8到15次。START KNITTING 开始编织Stick 2nd needle through top loop and under 1st needle. 把第二根针穿过最顶上的线圈,并且交叉放在在第一根针的下面。Wrap yarn around 2nd needle....
Knit your first stitch, as if you were beginning a new row. 2 Knit the second stitch so you have two stitches on your right needle. 3 Use the tip of your left needle to insert underneath and into the first stitch on your right needle. ...
How to Knit 作者:Watt, Fiona/ Harrison, Erica (CON)/ Baggott, Stella (ILT)/ Allman, Howard (PHT) 出版社:Edc Pub 出版年:2007-6 页数:64 定价:$ 16.94 装帧:Pap ISBN:9780794515775 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
Don't knit these first few projects expecting them to be the same as those produced by experienced knitters, but do give yourself a pat on the back for taking on something new and sticking with it.Easy Garter Stitch Scarf Pattern Knitting Blanket SquaresBack to the top of How to Knit ...
In this post, you will seehow to knit a pocket, an inset pocket for a cardigan. There are many ways of creating a pocket in a garment, and this tutorial will show you an easy way to create an inline (inset) pocket. In this tutorial, I will work on theOutlander Claire’s Blue Car...