Learning how to use a Keurig®brewer or other single serve coffee maker is easy and one of the quickest ways to get freshly brewed coffee. See instruction manual for details. Follow the steps below and you’ll be brewing your favoriteFolgers®coffee in no time. ...
The K-cup goes into a special slot in the front. To find it, gently lift the gray handle on the front of the unit. This will expose the coffee chamber. Insert the pod into the hole and use the handle to close the coffee chamber. When the chamber is fully closed, your Keurig displa...
Whether you use pods orreusable K Cups, a Keurig coffeemaker has many nooks and crannies where buildup and mold could hide, so it's important to keep it as clean as possible. Whatever runs through your Keurig may also end up in your body, after all. How to clean your Keurig coffeemak...
Maybe your biggest hurdle to deep cleaning your sleek pour over coffee maker is that you can’t fit your hand inside it. You can choose to live with those crusty coffee stains in the bottom of your coffee maker or use our totally painless, but very effective, cleaning method. You just n...
Maybe yourNinja coffee makerhas an illuminated clean light, and you want to know how to fix it, or you brewed up a cup of coffee this morning, and it tasted a little off. Your machine is trying to tell you it needs a little attention. ...
How to Easily Clean and Descale Your Keurig Lauren Smith McDonough Senior Editor Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at WomansDay.com and the home editor at GoodHousekeeping.com and HouseBeautiful.com. Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few ...
How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker Cleaning a Keurig coffee maker requires many of the same steps and materials outlined above. You will need distilled white vinegar to remove scale and buildup, as well as dish soap to scrub away coffee residue from each part. Some removable parts of a Ke...
Today I decided to try my new Wagner Power Steamer 915 (learn more here or buy here) on my sticky and well-used Keurig coffee maker. The 915 comes with all kinds of accessories so you can use it for everything from cleaning grout to removing wallpaper, so I figured it would be up ...
To start off the cleaning process, unplug your Keurig coffee maker and take off the removable parts including the water reservoir (remove the filter first), the K-Cup holder, and the drip tray, and place these inside a sink filled with warm soapy water so that they can soak. ...
How to Make Coffee with a Drip Coffee Maker With all the coffee-making technology out there, you might think that it would be complicated to learn how to use a coffee maker. The good news is you don’t always need all the bells and whistles. Sometimes, the best way to make drip ...