YouTubevideos with friends or they might even want to keep them completely private. No matter the reasoning, YouTube makes it easy to change the privacy setting on an uploaded video or prevent a video from going public even before it's uploaded. See our guide onYouTube's privacy settingsto...
When used properly, background videos can significantly increase visitor engagement and time spent on a page. We also find them to be a great way to instantly grab visitors’ attention and create a memorable first impression. In this article, we will show you how to add a YouTube video as...
Try These Tips for Playing YouTube in the Background The Easiest Option: Get YouTube Premium If you don’t have a YouTube Premium subscription, you’ll find it trickier to play videos in the background. So, if you have the money, it’s worth thinking about getting a plan. The pricing...
Consequently, streaming platforms that provide live streams and live videos are increasingly popular. There’s never been a better time for broadcasters to use a live streaming platform to stream live events. But with increased popularity comes increased competition — you must know how to live...
YouTube makes it easy to share videos on social media or via embeds, but is it legal to download YouTube videos to keep? We address that issue below, to ensure you stay on the right side of the law (and YouTube itself). Let's dive in. ...
Click on the video you want to watch.If the video is allowed in your VPN’s region, the video should start playing. If it doesn’t you might need to check your VPN’s regional settings But before youuse a VPNto unblock YouTube videos, there are some really important features to look...
This article will help you understand why YouTube pauses videos and provide actionable tips for resolving the issue. Fear not; the problem is likely not as serious as it seems. Without further ado, let’s dive in. Why Does YouTube Keep Pausing?
2. To make a mash-up of older videos you own to create a new video If you’ve been making YouTube content for a while but didn’t keep the original files from years ago, you can download some old favorites and create a mash-up. A trip down memory lane could be something your Ins...
YouTube nocookie is an alternative way to embed videos without placing cookies on users' devices. YouTube's privacy-enhanced mode is designed to limit cookie tracking. However, as soon as users start playing the video, YouTube cookies are set on users’ devices. In addition, even if users...
However, try to checkif YouTube Premium is worth itbefore deciding whether or not to sign up. Opinions are mixed on the service, but it's definitely a seamless way of listening to YouTube videos in the background. Once you subscribe to YouTube Premium, you can keep videos playing when ...