However, I recommend against choosing this type of topic. Rather than talkingabout words, let the focus be on youruse of words, phrases, and grammar. Similarly, for project 5 (your body speaks), you should choose a topic that allows you touse your body, not a topic that isabout body ...
Here's another truth about me, I do most of my shopping online because I am a horrible impulse buyer. Shopping online at local or national stores tends to help me stick to a budget, but even then I need help to keep me on track! Getty Images Apparently, shopping fatigue is a real t...
Hershey’s and Haribo have teamed up on a classic assortment that will please everyone. The 60-count packs come in 25.8-ounce bags and feature Reese’sPeanut Butter Cups and Pieces, Hershey’sbars, Kit Kat bars, Twizzlers and Jolly Ranchers as well as, for the first time, Haribo Gold...
The next time you watch a movie, try to keep an eye out for products or brand-names you recognize. It's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented. Is it Coke? Pepsi? Snapple? Once you've spotted something, see how many other scenes include that...