There are so many neat tricks to keep your produce fresh. Try some of these to save money and prevent waste. Water Most produce loses life when it loses water. You can keep your produce fresher longer by using water to keep it alive. Vegetables like asparagus and kale store well in jars...
How to grow peach trees. Growing peaches in your yard. It's a sweet and juicy summer delight! Growing Better with The Gardener's Network.
So you can’t count on it staying fresh in the fridge or cellar. Freezing rhubarb is a great way to extend its shelf life up to 1-3 years! To save money. Rhubarb is often in season for a short period of time, which can drive up the price. Freezing rhubarb is a great way to ...
Fresh fruit like peaches, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, and mango Nuts and seeds like chia seeds, hemp seeds, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pepitas Crunchy toppings like granola, grape nuts, toasted oats, or shredded coconut Fun drizzles with peanut butter, almond butter,...
Produce is kept fresh longer in plastic bags with microscopic holes that allow moisture to escape. They are perfect for strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes, or cherries. Have you heard about it? Other fruits and vegetables ripen faster than apples. If possible, keep them in a different...
(But you can add unshelled garden peas to soup broth for flavor.) Shelled garden peas are also called fresh peas. Shelled garden peas have wrinkled seeds and high sugar content. They are usually cooked as a vegetable. Shelling peas also include field peas that are left on the vine to ...
Add sugar, honey, or maple syrup to sweeten your creamy grits. Serve with fresh fruit like berries, peaches, or apples. Sweeten with brown sugar instead of white sugar, and add cinnamon, nutmeg, or other warm spices. Savory Grits: Make cheesy grits with shredded cheddar cheese or grate...
Peaches–when fruit begins to soften and color is no longer green. Taste for ripeness. Fruit will continue to ripen after it has been picked. Pears–when they are not quite but almost ripe. Sample for light pear taste. Fruit will continue to ripen after it has been picked.Certain...
Summer squash like zucchini and patty pans have soft skin which means they spoil quickly. Keep them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for longer. Tip 9: Winter squash at room temperature Winter squash like pumpkins and butternut squash have hard, thick skin. That skin protects them ...
Each season brings different fresh ingredients; your job is to capture these ingredients in your dishes. Here are some ingredients that are usually fresh each season: Spring menu ingredients:Blueberry, artichoke, asparagus, peaches, rhubarb, snap peas ...