Traps. Your trapezius muscles contract to keep you shoulders in place and transfer force to the bar. Even your shoulders and chest muscles contract to add support. The heavier you Deadlift, the harder your traps work, the bigger they become. You don’t need to do shrugs. Abs. Your abdomin...
Keep both browser windows side by side and create a new transaction as demonstrated below. Set streaming Notice that when you create a new transaction, it is added to the list of transactions in the dashboard. The change happens in real-time across browser tabs. This is because the dash...
If you were wondering how to get big legs, you're now armed with the tools to turn those chicken legs into tree trunks. It will be painful. You will struggle through brutal leg workouts. But as your pants start to fit tighter, it will give you the motivation to keep pushing. ...
Changes implemented in part 2 In addition to adding a few animations, I’ve added a counter to keep track of how many asteroids have been successfully dodged. This paves the way for adding a high score, to help give the player a sense of direction. The counter is a great example of ...
We’re now ready to begin talking about “how to take decent photos of record albums” (and thank you for reading this far). And guess what? It’s really not that hard! All you have to do is keep the camera steady, set it far enough from the album to avoid optical distortion, and...
Page references sources: Baran I, et al. Self-reported denture hygiene habits and oral tissue conditions of complete denture wearers. de Andrade IM, et al. Effectiveness of manual and electric brushes in the removal of biofilm from full dentures. ...
7.1 How to use partials 8 Avoid the Command Line 9 Version Control 10 Conclusion Prerequisites This tutorial assumes you have working knowledge of setting up a WordPress environment. For demonstration purposes I will be downloading WordPress and running it locally on my machine and showing you...
However, to keep your from wandering around in the dark unassisted, the Editorial Freelancers Association has a nifty chart that will give you some indication of hourly rates for different services. The stated rates aren’t binding, mind you, but it will at least give your FNDGG some ...
A new paradigm in WordPress is using it only for the content part of your site (also known as runningheadless), and usingGatsbyto statically generate the frontend. By leveraging both and decoupling content from the user interface (UI), you can keep the content editor and collaborative fe...
Place the file on a local drive you’ll remember. Unzip that file to reveal the WordPress files. It should be named something like “wordpress-[version]”. Click on that file and keep the zipped version in the same location. Unzip the WordPress package after downloading. ...