18. Encourage Reading in Bed “My kids have an early bedtime, but I allow them to use a lantern to read or look at books until they’re tired. If they wake in the night, they know to try reading until they fall asleep again, too.” Krissy of B-Inspired Mama 19. Keep It Calm ...
So instead of relying on a cell phone to unwind, experts advise teens to read abookor listen to music before bed. To avoid having their devices next to them at night, teens may want to consider buying an alarm clock instead of using the one on their phone. "Keep your phone outside yo...
How to Keep Kids Sleep on Track During the Holidays In this article 1. Remain flexible, within limits 2. Plan ahead and incorporate down time for your little one 3. Recreate the sleep environment 4. Travel during nap times 5. If traveling across time zones, consider the length of...
"The kids who are bullied on Instagram, the bullying follows them home. It follows them into their bedrooms. The last thing they see before they go to bed at night is someone being cruel to them," Haugen said. "Kids are learning that their own friends, people who they care about, are...
Try to keep screens out of the bedroom and have at least two hours between screen time and bedtime. (Hint: If nighttime screens are unavoidable, like for doing homework, try using them in “night mode” or downloading a yellow light application for the computer and smartphone. This will ...
Kids need a lot more sleep than adults because they're doing so much growing, physically and mentally. "Sleep has always been a major priority for my kids. I know they go to bed earlier than their peers. At 7 my oldest usually got 12 hours of sleep. My 6-year-old gets about 11 ...
And please, don't try co-sleeping on a bigger kids' mattress—it's best reserved for adult caregivers. What to avoid Sidecar cribs that attach to the bed, or co-sleeper bassinets with a drop-down side, are also not recommended because infants can become trapped in the gaps between the...
Pay attention to residence hall visitors. Have a plan when going out. Be aware of available of campus safety services. Report suspicious activity. READ: School Shootings: How to Help Kids Cope. Avoid Walking Alone at Night Whether it's after a class, a late night of studying or a visit ...
The environment can also contribute to how well a person sleeps at night, according to the Sleep Foundation. Parents should keep a child’s room dark and cool, eliminate noises when they’re trying to sleep, and use the bed for sleep only — encouraging kids to do homework or other activi...
By 6 months, most babies are capable of sleeping seven to eight hours at a stretch. To encourage your baby to fall back to sleep on their own in the middle of the night (instead of crying for you), put them to bed while they're drowsy but still awake. Weaning them from whatever st...