However, if you plan to add other animals to thedwarf frog aquarium, the ideal options would be loaches, bettas, and tetras. Bettas and these frogs are very compatible as they share similar preferences. However, smaller fish like gourami and guppies should be avoided. –Don’t Forget To F...
However, these fish tend to become territorial around other sucker fishes. Butbetta fishor eels, or loaches make bad tank mates for suckers. Always keep them with peaceful fishes like tiger barbs, guppies, mollies, swordtails, and others. –Get Your Sucker Fish From a Reputable Source You sh...
Guppies now come in many strains characterized by vivid colors and ornate tails. They add variety and interest to an aquarium.They are prolific breeders who need no mating or birthing assistance from you — but if you understand the timeline of guppy pregnancy, you'll know what to expect and...
What Temperature Should an Aquarium Be for Guppies?→ The Best Fish to Put With Neons & Guppies→ The Advantages of Having Live Driftwood in an Aquarium→ i If you are both aquarium enthusiasts, you may want to consider oranda goldfish as your first pets together. These beautiful fish develop...
TagsHow Long Do Molly Fish Live Ian Sterling Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering...
In the aquarium hobby, livebearers like guppies and platies tend to have shorter lifespans than similar-sized egg layers like the neon tetra. The average guppy has a lifespan of just two to three years. Which fish live the longest?
10.Extended Breeding time The breeding of Koi is not everyone’s cup of tea. Unlike guppies andbettas, Koi breeding needs patience and resilience. Any breeder will at least need 3 to 5 years to nourish and sell the show-quality Koi in the market. ...
Find out how to identify and eliminate planaria from your aquarium. Learn effective methods to keep your tank clean and pest-free!
Feed your freshwater turtles a well-rounded diet. Offer your captive turtles reptile sticks and feeder worms as directed on the package labeling. A sprinkling of leafy, green vegetables also helps round out their diet. Add live feeder fish, such as guppies and goldfish to your turtle tank, to...