Garages and sheds provide an ideal environment for spiders to live. Learn how to get rid of spiders in these spaces and how to keep them from coming back.
Learn how to keep cats warm in winter whether they're indoors or outdoors. Get some winter safety tips to keep your cat safe from the cold.
For compost piles:Get acompost binwith a secure lid. Keep it inside a garage or shed if possible. If you don’t want to use a bin, consider installing an electric fence around the pile. Regular fencing won’t be enough to deter raccoons — they’re avid climbers. For bird feeders:Rac...
Pest experts say that mice also do a “walk-around” and are often drawn to gaps where they can smell nice warm air flowing out of your house. Look at all vents and screens. Look for any signs of chewing at the bottom of garage doors. (And keep those garage doors shut!) Then, pac...
Because dust mites love warm temperatures, even warm baths. Warm washing temperatures don't kill them; they just think it's a pool party. Only hot, and we mean 130 degrees Fahrenheit/54 degrees Celsius, water does the job. If you have young children at home and want to keep the water...
A plant will keep growing vegetatively (just stems and leaves) as long as the plant “believes” it is early spring or summer. Outdoors this happens naturally as the seasons change. Indoors, growers put grow lights on a timer to “tell” the plant when to start flowering. Cannabis Life ...
If you are having repeated problems with different opossums coming to your property, then there are a number of things that can be done. Keeping garbage cans closed with a cord, or keeping them in a garage can be a good idea, and also ensuring that pet food is kept out of the range...
always procrastinating because it seems so overwhelming. I tell myself, “Oh, it’s too much to start today. I’ll do it when I have more time.” My parents are big hoarders who never part with anything so I never really learned how to keep a clean home. I do keep the dishes and...
If you live in a warm climate, you may be able to keep a Poinsettia outdoors year-round and only bring it in for the holidays. This is a convenient option, because you can skip the whole “placing the plant in the closet” process. Nature takes care of that for you as the days sho...
One way to get rid of a skunk in your garage is to wait until it is gone and then close the garage door. You can also spray pepper spray at the bottom of the garage door so that the skunk will be reluctant to try to enter again. Some garage doors are not functioning correctly and...