[Pictured: Helicopters of the U.S. 229th Aviation Battalion, 3rd Brigade, First Air Cavalry Division, land in formation at Lai Khe during the Easter Offensive] 1973: Ceasefire signed U.S. Air Force 1973: Ceasefire signed - Army strength: 800,973 people- Navy strength: 563,683 people- Mar...
[Pictured: Helicopters of the U.S. 229th Aviation Battalion, 3rd Brigade, First Air Cavalry Division, land in formation at Lai Khe during the Easter Offensive] 1973: Ceasefire signed U.S. Air Force 1973: Ceasefire signed - Army strength: 800,973 people- Navy strength: 563,683 people- Mar...
RIMember of the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia RIReporting Identifier RIReactor Incident RIRhythmic Initiation(PNF technique) RIRepair and Iterate(part of Generate-and-Repair Machine Translation) RIRestricted Issue RIRemedial Inspection
Had you seen me as I stood in the doorway8 of the inn at Alamo, on the 1st of July, in the year 1810, you would then have known what the hussar may attain9 to. For a month I had lingered in that accursed village, and all on account of a lance-thrust in my ankle, which ...