In this article, we are going to be exploring GitHub, a collaboration platform that helps teams work and ship products together. We will cover how to leverage GitHub’s amazing features to enhance communication and teamwork, and how you can use it to help your organization or clients deliver ...
Getting Started: Running in Kubernetes Add steps demo add-steps/ Provides a self-contained docker-compose environment that can be used to test linkerd's performance. More information: Making Things Faster by Adding More Steps Consul consul/ ...
GitHub Actionsare packaged scripts to automate tasks in a software-development workflow in GitHub. You can configure GitHub Actions to trigger complex workflows that meet your organization's needs. The trigger can happen each time developers check new source code into a specific branch, at timed...
So today I want to try to explain "how to submit a PR correctly" thoroughly, and try to elaborate on the whole process of PR on GitHub, as well as the various difficulties and solutions that may be encountered here.On the one hand, I hope to be helpful to newcomers participating in o...
key has two parts: a private key and a public key. As the name suggests, the private key is only for private use.Never ever share your private key with anyone(with exceptions made for your system administrator or other trusted people within your organization). This will be important later....
CTO vs VP Engineering: What's the Difference?- CTO manage a small staff of hackers. VP of Engineering lead an organization of engineers. Want to Know the Difference Between a CTO and a VP Engineering?- Another way to look at thing: placing these roles along the “Process Orientation” and...
Here's how to add Projects to teams:In the top right corner of, select your profile photo and choose Your organizations. Select the name of your organization. Navigate to the Teams tab and select the name of the team to which you want to grant access. Select Projects an...
One of the many tools that ensure security throughout the development process is all of the alerts that GHAS provides your organization.Let’s review them:Code Scanning Alerts:CodeQL Analysis Alerts: Generated by CodeQL, GitHub's semantic code analysis engine, these alerts identify...
We help you understand GitHub vs GitLab, how GitHub integrates with Azure and Jenkins, and present all the features GitHub has to offer.
Firstly, GitHub is an affordable resource featuring a great open-source community. Secondly, as a cloud-based tool, codes and VS Code fonts are easily visible across the organization, facilitating every participant’s contributions. Further, GitHub is widely used among developers because it allows...