or interested in, the Open Talent community. Whether you represent an open talent platform, a business using freelance talent, or you are an independent freelancer, we welcome you as a member of the community. We hope you will engage in the conversations, invite colleagues to join the ...
to complement your preparation for the upcoming exam, check the following links: upsc mains general studies paper iii – strategy, syllabus, structure topic-wise gs 3 questions for upsc mains previous years economics questions in upsc mains general studies paper 3 difference between niti aayog and ...
according to a September 2019 presentation by NITI Aayog, the Centre's policy think-tank. The technology will look to solve issues around crop waste, price discovery, climate information and farm outputs, among others.
In my view ,,be bold Mr Deepak and say a "big NO ", to your father, stand strongly and independently...your mother will join you very soon, by leaving her cruel husband. your strong position will make your mother strong to fight with all dangers to her life. Deepak Rathore 29 Septem...