You can manually initiate first scan through the files in that folder. This will allow Plex to generate thumbnails and metadata. Here is also a video version for this manual. From now on, you can see this server from any client device you are logged in. You can install Plex app on your...
In this tutorial, I go through all the steps to getting your very own Raspberry Pi plex server up and running. This project is perfect for anyone who wants to have a media server that can be accessed by anyone within a household. You can also set it up to be accessed outside your ...
Open the programs/solana-nft-anchor/ file and it should have contents similar to this use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!("9TEtkW972r8AVyRmQzgyMz8GpG7WJxJ2ZUVZnjFNJgWM"); // should'nt be similar to mine #[program] pub mod solana_nft_anchor { use super::*; pub fn ...
The reason it is so hard to pick one, he explained, is because it is too early to know which of these things will really elevate spatial to the next level. He also contributed this brief self-dialogue: “Would I love an increase in plex? Absolutely. Does that come with a hit to sen...
Fun fact: Here in the UK, we have a government scheme for first-time buyers where you can buy a part of your house and rent the rest from the developer (to any percentage of your liking depending on income). The rent is usually at a small interest. Mine is at 1.8% of t...