We guarantee that our How To Join The Royal Air Force Reserves online resources will teach you how to navigate the different elements of the selection process. The package contains 250+ pages of RAF recruitment information, tests, which will guide you through each of the different elements of s...
At the end of Primary, the SNA will fill out a “dream sheet” of what community they want to join. Based on these preferences, their grades, and the needs of the service, they will get their assignments. For the Navy students, they can select Maritime, Rotary, E-2/C-2, or jets....
There are several ways to serve in the US Military, and our team will walk you through different military information if you plan to enlist soon. Discover what you need to do...
A brief assessment of how this force compares to the missions laid down in the national defense white paper will be offered as well. The current state of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) will be described in terms of both numbers and capabilities. Future developments will be ...
To become a Navy fighter pilot requires you to complete a process to end up among the best pilots in the world. All naval pilots are officers, so the first step will be to get an officer's commission. With a commissioning source secured, you will start to compete for the coveted accepta...
You must have Swiss citizenship and be of a proper age to join the Swiss Army. Understand that all Swiss men must serve a compulsory term of military service once they reach the age of 19, although they can join voluntarily at the age of 18. Women are not required to perform compulsory...
Nearly all Israelis, with few exceptions, are required to serve in the Israeli military. The Israel Defense Forces encompasses the country's army, navy and air force. Additionally, thousands of Jews and their descendants have expressed a desire to volunteer as soldiers for the IDF. ...
(MOS) for which you qualify, your AFQT score is even more important. That’s because how you score on the AFQT determines whether you qualify to join the military at all. The minimum required AFQT score depends on which branch you want to join. For example, the Army requires a minimum ...
If you are eligible for bonus points on the basis of residence in particular LSG, no need to produce any certificate if the details are available in SSLC book, else ration card/ nativity certificate are required for admission. Cerificate from Army/ Navy/ Airforce for dependants of Jawan. ...
Why have you chosen the Army and not the Royal Navy or RAF? What’s your motivation for joining the Army? Why do you want to become an Officer in the Royal Military Police? What training will you undergo to become an Army Officer and also an RMP Officer?