There are several ways to serve in the US Military, and our team will walk you through different military information if you plan to enlist soon. Discover what you need to do...
Several paths exist to becoming an Army officer beyond attending a military academy. You can graduate from a college-level Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program. You can also attend Officer Candidate School, a 12-week program for people who have at least a bachelor's degree. The...
Why Students Join ROTC The ROTC boasts alumni such as former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and Walmart founder Sam Walton, among the many Americans who have participated in the program over its long history. According to testimonials on the Army and...
People that choose to join the military get the option to go to college anytime they feel during their military career. The military pays for part or all the tuition. The military has four different branches, Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marines. Each branch offers different trades. Air ...
7. BRANCH: That one's easy --USMC,Army,Air Force,Navy,Coast Guard. 8. ADSN/DSSN: This is the the number used to identify the finance office handling the service member's pay (what shows up as DFAS -- location in your direct deposit bank account.) ...
ROTC graduates form part of Thailand's reserve army. Some graduates may be called up to join the main army if needed, but this is rare. 2. Studying in Thailand or Overseas You can defer military service if you are in active education. This is true for domestic and overseas study. 3. ...
Promotions in the Navy serve to recognize the skill and dedication of high-performing personnel. Those who perform well in the Navy are promoted to higher ranks and take on a greater degree of responsibility. Those who do not, meanwhile, are passed up for promotion. ...
During a summer ROTC training tour in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in 1957, he got a pronounced taste of racism when he was forced to use segregated washrooms at gas stations in the South on the drive home to New York. After graduating from City College in June 1958, he was ...
Given these benefits, if you have kids, contributing to a 529 plan makes even more sense. Always maximize the purpose of your money by taking advantage of any benefits the government throws our way. Goodness knows they tax us hard-working citizens enough!
What should I do and what subjects should I take to join the military? By anon928015 — On Jan 27, 2014 I am 16 years old and in grade 11. I am considering to become a police officer but I do not know in which direction to go. I am looking into joining the military but do...