Finally, Marcos Siega has joined the series to direct the first two episodes. He will serve as an executive producer on the pilot.“The Waterfront” is currently filming. The new cast members join previously announced series leads Holt McCallany and Maria Bello.The official logline states, “...
On the film front, Bros, Ticket to Paradise, How I Learned to Fly (featuring Cliff “Method Man” Smith), Get On Up, The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Billy Madison, Carlito’s Way, How High, Jarhead, Law Abiding Citizen, and several other notable titles join the Starz app this month.You ...
We had a lot of sports. Lot of neighborhood activities as far as King’s Park," Warren G tells "It was fun. It was dangerous. It was cool. It was my home." Voltron Crew is Warren’s group of friends he used to sell candy with while having rap battles. Warren ...
Last June there was a wildfire in Canada, and itimpacted the air quality in New York. He was in the club with Robert De Niro. And I remember thinking to myself, like,Yo, this is insane. Being a New Yorker, seeing how much people's rent raised when they decided it wasn't a pande...
There are more than 500 wheel sports clubs worldwide, including nearly a dozen in the United States. Contact the IRV member association in your country to learn about opportunities to try both the German Wheel and Cyr Wheel. Or you could always run off and join the circus. Lots More ...
The song was inspired by a series of reports made by the BBC TV journalist Michael Buerk in 1984, which drew attention to the famine in Ethiopia. The BBC News crew were the first to document the famine, with Buerk’s report on 23 October describing it as “a biblical famine in the 20t...
41. “It’s so easy for a kid to join a gang, to do drugs… we should make it that easy to be involved in football and academics.”– Snoop Dogg 42. “Yo’ what’s up? This is Snoop D-O-Double-G sayin’ stop the violence, drop the guns, and increase the peace.”– Snoop...
His smile was contagious and his enthusiasm as he showed me paddle and surf books soon had me wanting to join him in the waves. “Sure, you can surf, you just need to find the right board”, he said. There I was a newbie and fresh to paddling and now I was actually thinking of ...
crew’s audience. Ross quicklysquashed the beef, claiming that he spoke to both and that the two are like brothers. On top of the Boss’ peace-keeping, any remaining feelings have been all but forgotten since Meek has had much more serious legal issues to deal with in the ensuing months...
JOIN THE CONVERSATION During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the UK’s 1600-plus nightclubs and live music venues were facing indefinite closure before the government stepped in with a grant to keep them open. The pandemic hit the industry hard, and it may take months—years even—for ...