it may irritate you that your neighbor lets leaves build up in the yard,but shemight be too old to remove them herself and can't afford a yard worker.During yourdiscussion,make sure that you clearly communicate what's bothering you,and lay outsome alternatives and compromises③.5Other ...
Believe it or not, your neighbors probably don’t want to irritate (激怒) you. Often, they don’t even know that they’re making you feel angry. So you should talk with them first. When you move towards your neighbors, you should talk to them in a friendly way. You can say ...
The square loner is part of a small but ignoble tradition of spite houses, buildings created for malice instead of comfort meant to irritate or enrage neighbors, or occasionally piss off anyone unfortunate enough to be dwelling inside. Normally built to block a neighbor's light or access, ...
The scent of another animal, such as a cat, can sometimes scare mice away. Again, their goal is to avoid danger, so the smell of a cat or their litter box may cause the pest to go elsewhere. The scent of another house mouse may also alert them to avoid an unfriendly neighbor. ...
Paradichlorobenzene is classified as a possible human carcinogen by the EPA, and its vapors can irritate skin, eyes, and the respiratory tract. Large doses can damage the liver. Mothballs are not intended to be placed in open spaces such as rooms, closets, or vehicles. Rather they should ...
Turnover is thetotal amount of money your business receivesas a result of the sales from your goods and/or services over a certain period of time. The calculation doesn't deduct things like VAT or discounts, which is why it's also referred to as 'gross revenue' or 'income'. ...
To prevent these issues, you’ll need to ensure that you’re keeping your earplugs clean and changing them frequently, in the case of foam earplugs. You’ll also want to avoid using earplugs that are overly hard or that have no pores for air circulation, as these can irritate the insid...
User experience: Imagine attending a live event and watching a play on the big screen, seeing a quarterback get ready to make a throw, and hearing all the fans around you scream, “It’s a fumble!” Latency can hurt the user experience, spoil events, and irritate customers. Safety: There...
2) The fact that the tooth has pain suggests that the decay has advanced close enough to the tooth’s nerve tissue to irritate it. If the nerve tissue is at a point where it has been significantly traumatized, the tooth would require root canal treatment before rebuilding it would be possi...
... well then it's just a couple of fools arguing without trying to understand. You don't know why he's such a diehard Potbelly fan and you're no closer to changing his mind on his view here; you've only managed to irritate him and frustrate yourself. ...