Now, add two obsidian blocks above the AFK spot and finish making the Nether portal out of them. The portal should be directlyabove the AFK spot, so not one block left or right. Make sure to center it. Also, place slabs on top of the portal blocks to spawnproof them. The next step...
Villages spawn randomly throughout the world, and as far as we can tell, at least one will always spawn in each world. It’s possible that more than one village can spawn, as well. While there isn’t a precise, full-proof method to find a village (other than using console commands, ...
You can make the walls thicker so you can go up on top of it to use cannons or your bow. Use the seed 1416468699 without the quotes to spawn next to the village used in the pictures. If you like villagers in your home instead of iron doors use wooden doors. You need to use a bu...