Learn how to start a podcast, from ideation to launch, ensuring your voice resonates with audiences and stands out in the vast world of podcasts.
To make a podcast work, you’ll need an audio file and anRSS Feedthat listeners can subscribe to. This setup ensures they receive new episodes automatically, keeping them engaged with your latest content. Since WordPress has a built-in RSS feed system, we’ve seen many podcasters choose it ...
Want to learn how to start a podcast, but don't have the time to read a long-winded "ultimate guide" with trivial details? We've got you covered.
I’m here to teach you how to start a podcast, launch your show and start growing. I want this to be your complete launch blueprint: a step-by-step guide to podcasting for beginners that goes from initial idea to snagging your first 100 listeners and beyond! By the end, you’ll know...
OK, let’s get to the brass tacks of creating and managing a podcast. Structure the show I’m using my podcastThis Old Marketingas the case study, but the practices apply to any show you want to create and manage in 2024. As you read this, you should consider that my co-host Joe ...
You don’t need to be a very technical person, nor do you require a lot of money, to learn how to start a podcast. This guide will be your A to Z step-by-step walkthrough on how to get started with your first podcast. We’ll cover everything from the very technical to ...
This is it: time to record a podcast, and there’s more to it than simply hitting the “record” button. Fortunately, notthatmuch more to it, though. Recording a podcast can be a pretty easy process when you know how. And after reading this guide, you will!
If you want to run your own podcast business but don’t know where to begin, this ultimate guide on how to start a podcast will push you in the right direction. After reading it, you will have a clear idea about thebenefits of a podcast, how to start, and even how to make money....
Once you’re happy with the edits and mix, add a jingle to the intro and outro of the podcast, or maybe in between segments to give the listener a short break. You can find royalty-free jingles and loops from Freesound in the “loops tab” to your right in the studio. When you’...
Once you record a podcast episode, upload it to your device (preferably a computer over a smartphone for quality purposes) and edit it in your software. Make sure the audio sounds clear and all other aspects — the intro, outro, music, etc. — fit together seamlessly. According toLIVE365...