Vision perceptionproblems.This is when it’s hard to connect a word to a picture of what that word represents in your brain. Note that perception issues arenotrelated to visual clarity but instead to how a child’s brain interprets visual information. Color blindness. When a child is unable...
We cannot know how the trout’s brain interprets the signals sent from its eyes via the optic nerves to the brain, but by studying the structure of the eye and experimentally testing the fish’s responses to a variety of optical stimuli, we can get a good idea of what the trout’s ey...
Neuropsychological tests tend to be developed from a practical rather than a theoretical standpoint, and often tap multiple cognitive abilities in a single test (Sohlberg & Mateer,1989). This means that it is often difficult to know exactly what cognitive faculties are being measured by a given t...
“We believe that the higher levels of withheld anger shown by the study subjects is due to demyelination, loss of the substance in the white matter that insulates the nerve endings and helps people receive and interpret messages from the brain” explains lead researcher Dr Ugo Nocentini from ...
but no difference was observed in the recognition of brief facial expressions as compared to adopting a closed posture; trait empathy was found to have an additive effect on posture, with more empathic judges having higher deception detection scores. In Study 2, with the use of an eye-tracker...