Teasing is an inherently risky social behavior that only a strong relationship can withstand. If two people are able to trade barbs without hard feelings, it means each knows what the other doesn’t mind being teased about. It also means they trust each other, because they interpret the barbs...
go un-natural?). “I know the church is true” (and I know Star Wars is true. I’ve seen all the movies). “Love one another” (I’m in love with the human race. We’re adorable! But mormons are taught to be judgmental of everyone, including...
In the interest of getting to the bottom of all this, I have been thinking about what research we need to do, what problems we need to solve, and how close we are to solving all of them in order to get to Artificial General Intelligence entities, or human intelligence level entities. W...
Ex antecedentibus et consequentibus fit optima interpretatio Ex Astris Scientia Ex Bonus Ex boyfriend acitivated credit card under someone elses name Ex boyfriend agreed to help financially, changed his mind Ex boyfriend borrowed money Ex Brother-In-Law Ex Cap Ex Capitalization ex cathedra ex cathe...