Frailty, sarcopenia and mortality in cirrhosis: what is the best assessment, how to interpret the data correctly and what interventions are possible?FrailtySarcopeniaMuscleCirrhosisTransplantationExerciseCirrhosis-induced sarcopenia plays a deleterious role in patients on the waiting list of transplantation. ...
Serological Test:A serological test is one type of laboratory procedure. It is carried out using blood serum. It is mainly used to detect antibodies. Examples include the flocculation test and neutralization test.Answer and Explanation: A fluorescent antibody test is used to study the intracellula...
The American Heart Association recommends that blood cholesterol levels should be checked every 5 years after the age of 20. If cholesterol levels are high (usually over 200 mg dL), people are often started on medicine to reduce the cholesterol and are usually advised to begin a low-cholesterol...