Pairwise comparisons of legitimacy ratings between input methods within each context are indicated by orange and pink p-values and brackets. These comparisons are based on the full array of legitimacy ratings, using the paired Wilcoxon signed rank test with Holms adjustment. In the color context (...
In this "quick start" guide, we show you how to carry out a two-way repeated measures ANOVA with post hoc tests using SPSS Statistics, as well as the steps you will need to go through to interpret the results from this test. However, before we introduce you to this procedure, you ...
The mean (± standard deviation) proportion of equivalent doses (difference ≤10%) across all three formularies was 40% (±16), while for pairwise comparisons it was 53% (±19) for GPF versus BNF, 67% (±14) for GPF versus SPD and 52% (±19) for SPD versus BNF. The median [...
I see that you mean the %MULT macro mentioned in the 2017 post "Re: how to get for letter displays of pairwise mean comparisons in proc mixed?" (where it says "... %MULT macro sugested [sic!] by Piepho (2012) ...", which adds valuable search ter...
Python code to produce shift graphs can be downloaded via pip. pip install shifterator The documentationdetails how to create various kinds of word shift graphs with Shifterator, and includes a detailed cookbook for how to interpret, visualize, and work with word shifts. ...
Moreover, there was a significant interaction between interaction format and learners’ visuospatial ability for difficult recognition performance (F(2, 153) = 3.328,MSE = 243.692,p = .038,η2p = .042). Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise comparisons revealed that even though the over...
But, as with everything in life, sadly, there is a price to pay for this peace of mind. That price is simple: It is going to bemuchharder to actually find anything to be different. So, with that in mind, we generally have three categories of pairwise comparisons. We have conservative...
(2, 28,096.1) = 7.4, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.005] Pairwise comparisons confirmed that the attended stream EEG data showed on average higher stimulus reconstruction accuracy than the unattended ones, with the difference between them significant overall [rattd = 0.057, runattd ...
Typically prediction methods are used as classifiers to define whether a case has the investigated feature or not. Results of this kind of binary predictor can be presented in a 2x2 confusion table also called contingency table or matrix. This, at first glance may appear simple to interpret, ...
In the broader context of collaboration as an indicator of learning, Wouters and van Oostendorp (2017) identified 18 pairwise comparisons in their meta-analysis, proving a small but significant effect size. However, only two of these studies (Day et al., 2007; van der Meij et al., 2011)...