Healthy adults should have their cholesterol levels checked regularly with blood test called alipid profile. Knowing these numbers can help you understand your risk of heart disease and stroke, allowing you to make changes to help lower the risks if you need to. ...
One way to interpret all this is as follows: If you can’t see it using the Fisher LSD tests, it isn’t there. If you see something using the Bonferroni test, it’s there. In exploratory studies where you don’t want to miss interesting results, you would probably want to use a mo...
Put simply; we should not interpret LDL levels in a vacuum. According to MD, Thomas Dayspring, a leading voice in the field of lipidology: based on the current National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data, “Majority of MI (myocardial infarction) is explained by insulin re...
Research shows that many of them—including those in your lipid, inflammation, and iron groups—vary according to your period. [1] These variations can influence how you interpret yourblood test results. In general, you should schedule a blood draw at the same point in your cycle each time ...
When your health-care professional orders your blood cholesterol levels to be checked, he or she will interpret and discuss the results such as your cholesterol ratio and total cholesterol numbers (HDL, LDL, and VLDL), and what they each mean. ...
structural framework on which to interpret earlier biological data and inform future mechanistic models. Our structure has revealed a number of features that increase our understanding of the complement system, and informs a general mechanism for how β-barrel pore-forming proteins rupture lipid ...
When your health-care professional orders your blood cholesterol levels to be checked, he or she will interpret and discuss the results such as your cholesterol ratio and total cholesterol numbers (HDL, LDL, and VLDL), and what they each mean. ...
We interpret our data to mean that the oligomer acts by destabilizing the membrane rather than by direct pore formation. This suggests that reduction (but not complete abolition) of the membrane affinity of the oligomer is sufficient to prevent cytotoxicity....
Furthermore, the experimental designs and the context of GC measurements (e.g. stress paradigms used) also vary among studies, making it difficult to compare studies and interpret relationships between HPA/I axis activity, fitness, and the expression of life-history traits and trade-offs. CRF =...
4A). The weak inhibitory effect of EIPA combined with the notion that NHEs can also be found in membranes of other intracellular vesicles42, thereby potentially interfering with other pH-dependent pathways, makes it difficult to interpret this data. Therefore, we next investigated another hallmark ...