Retention time of each peak is marked above the peak and in the tabulated data below the chromatogram details of the retention time, area (as digital units), peak area%, height and height %. You can observe that due to non-ideal shape of peaks percentage area is different from percentage...
The resulting surfaces were used to produce a spatial classification of phytoclimes, which we interpret as regions that can climatically support particular plant type combinations. We use the phytoclime definitions and climatologies from five global circulation models (GCMs) simulating three shared ...
The amip-piForcing experiment gives a larger [Math Processing Error]α (smaller EffCS) for historical climate change than experiments using the same AGCMs, incorporated in coupled atmosphere–ocean GCMs (AOGCMs), to simulate the response to [Math Processing Error]4×CO2. Moreover, amip-pi...
To interpret the spread of simulated results, it is useful to understand how the climate change signal is modified in the GCM-RCM modelmodelgeneral circulation model-regional climate model (GCM-RCM) chain. This kind of information can also be useful for impact modelers; for the process of ...