✅ How to Interpret Minidump:Hiya, my computer has been crashing recently under random conditions. I got a KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED error with no driver specified once, but most...
BlueScreenView and similar applications are wrong as often as they are right. If you want to analyze DMP files correctly Windows Debugger is the gold standard Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:02 AM |4 votes You need to use a program that knows how to ...
Does anyone know how to enable MACSec on Windows Server 2012/2016 without a third party application? I know CISCO NAM can enable it. I'd like to avoid this as much as possible. All replies (2) Monday, April 22, 2019 3:32 PM You'll find more experts in dedicated forum over here....
There is no rule saying that all values in a bitfield must be used. An API can define bit 1 to mean A, bit 4 to mean B, but bits 2 and 3 do not have to be defined. Also, APIs evolve as the OS version changes to support newer hardware/software. However, the #define’s below...
Annette Simons, author ofWhoever Tells the Best Story Wins,says, “facts are neutral until people add meaning to those facts. People stick with their story even when presented facts that don’t fit, instead of choosing to interpret or discount facts that don’t fit. This is why facts are...
They can only interpret what they encounter through the lens of their own narrow area of endeavor. The corollary to this is that every part of the organization reaches different conclusions about their digital priorities, based on incomplete or simply differen...
you can use the webinterface to add a new ppd printerdriver: - /opt/bin/ipkg install cups-doc Installing cups-doc (1.4.6-1) to root... Installing cups (1.4.6-1) to root... ... Now you need to copy the installed cups files to the webinterface location ...
The extension of a file serves as a hint to the operating system and various software programs about the type of data contained within the file. When you alter a file's extension, you essentially modify how software applications interpret and handle that file. Every file has a specific format...
They are easy to figure out in a debugger, especially with the macros, unions and nested structures. Just put &(*(DEVMODE *)0).dmDisplayOrientation in the watch window and 0x00000034 (52 base 10) is displayed. (That says interpret the address at 0 as a DEVMODE structure and give ...
Recently I created a task in (computer A) window scheduler which run a powershell script to transfer certain file in a source folderA to a network share (folderB) on another computer (computer B)The network share is shared with a domain admin account called "domain/Administrator" so I...