Crossover ducts are used in manufactured homes to carry both heated and cooled air from the main duct to the registers that are placed throughout the house. They are made of insulated flex duct that is fitted with a metal collar. The metal collar attache
Learn How To Insulate Basement Walls Properly. Basement Insulation is very difficult to under. Learn how to insulate basement walls from industry pro Todd Fratzel.
Do it yourself insulation tips and advice. DIY. How to insulate your home. How to reduce your heat bill.
Asbestos is a natural mineral and carcinogen that causes mesothelioma. Learn about how to identify it, cancers caused by asbestos and asbestos litigation.
can also form of the inside of the ducts in winter when the basement is cold and the furnace is on. The phenomenon that causes it is the same one that makes it rain: Moisture precipitates out of warm air when it suddenly encounters cold air because cold air can't hold as much water....
Air conditioners don't have the exterior housing a refrigerator relies on to insulate its cold box. Instead, the walls in your home keep cold air in and hot air out. Let's move on to the next page where we'll discover what happens to all that hot air when you use your air ...
Bear in mind, however, that ducts in unconditioned spaces should be sealed and insulated by professionals, says the Department of Energy. What is the cheapest way to insulate an old house? The cheapest way to insulate an old house is to address any air leaks. ‘Reducing the amount of air...
If you have a bunch of bubble wrap lying around, you can use it to insulate your greenhouse. Simply wrap the inside walls of the greenhouse in bubble wrap. So, the next time your Amazon package comes with a questionable amount of bubble wrap, keep it around for the winter months. ...
I previously had the ducts cleaned (hind sight would have reversed the order) and hope that by running the furnace fan, constantly changing the filter and providing lots of outside air to the main floor of the house the system will eventually "air out" and the problem will be solved. Rep...
You might be wondering why it’s necessary to insulate the wood-stud wall when you’ve already insulated the foundation wall. Here’s why: The job of the polystyrene panels is to protect the wood framing from any cold, possibly damp, air that passes through the concrete. Adding insulation ...