We are in the process of insulating a cathedral ceiling in our remodeled house. We had to pony up to all the existing rafters with 2 x 8's as they were too small (house was built in the 60's with rough sawn fir... good tough stuff, but 2 x 4's don't allow much airflow, ...
So, I am remodeling a garage (20′ ceiling) to add a second floor. My plan is to lag bolt 2×12’s to the existing studs in the walls and run TJI in hangers across the span. Is this ok? Anything I should be looking at? Reply Todd Mark – You need to be sure you have pro...
If you’re trying to create a strong directional light effect, the reflected light from the ceiling can lessen the strong contrast, also, if you have any colour on the ceiling this will be reflected into your studio. You just need to add a ‘hood’ over the top of the window to stop ...
Whether you want to insulate your garage to help reduce energy costs in your home, soundproof it, or turn it into a fully-finished additional room of your house, it's a project you will be able to do yourself with inexpensive insulation...