To enable the shared clipboard, all you have to do is install thespice-vdagentutility in the VM. So if your VM is Ubuntu/Debian based, you can use the following: sudo apt install spice-vdagent For Arch base: sudo pacman -S spice-vdagent For Fedora-based distros: sudo yum install spice...
Ubuntu and other Linux-based systems use client applications to manage software directly. Some software packages come preinstalled by default, while system administrators install other packages when necessary. Depending on whichpackage managerinstalled the software, there are various ways to list installed ...
If your computer has no other operating system already installed and you plan to use a Windows variant alongsideUbuntu, you should first install Microsoft Windows and then proceed with Ubuntu installation. In this particular case, on Windows installation steps, when formatting the hard disk, you sh...
Method 1: Install Git with apt on Ubuntu Using theapt package management toolis the easiest way to install Git. However, the version in the default repository is often not the latest release. This is because Ubuntu prioritizes stability and thorough testing over cutting-edge updates to ensure ...
1. Log in to your Ubuntu server and start a new screen session First of all,log in to your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS via SSHas user root: ssh root@IP_address and start a new screen session screen -U -S jupyter 2. Install Python and Pip ...
2. Fedora (dnf/yum) Ubuntu Git packages are available through yum and dnf: In your shell prompt, install Git using dnf (or yum, on older versions of Fedora): $ sudo dnf install git Copy Or $ sudo yum install git Copy To verify successful installation, type git --version: $ git -...
In this article, we will explain how to install a particular package version in CentOS and Ubuntu using Yum and APT front-end package managers, respectively.
Using Composer in a PHP project Prerequisites A server with Ubuntu 20.04 as OS User privileges: root or non-root user with sudo privileges Before you start, make sure to update apt-cache with: $ sudo apt-get update Now, go ahead and install PHP. If you don’t already have it installed...
Installing the Perf system monitoring tool on a Red Hat Linux or a Fedora workstation is easier than installing it on Debian/Ubuntu. You can run the following YUM commands on your terminal shell on your machine install Perf tool. The following commands require root privilege; ensure you have ...
In this article, we’ll learn how to remove applications using Yum. YUM is an open-source command-line package manager used by distros using RPM Package.