i cannot set up my voicemail on my new iphone 12 mini How do I set up voicemail on my iPhone 12 mini 4 years ago 315 1 Voicemail I’m now using iphone 7 plus ,well my problem is I can’t set up my voicemail. Instead of the showing “set up voicemail” it tells to call vo...
Voicemail is a carrier feature, so if you no longer wish to have voicemail on your line, you need to contact your cell carrier. If that's not what you mean, please post back and explain further what you wish to disable. Regards. Reply of 1 How to disable voicemail on an iPhone?Wel...
How to set up voicemail on iPhone Step 1: Go to the phone app Go to yourPhoneapp to access your voicemail Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet ThePhoneapp is the green icon with a handset on it, where you go to make your calls, can see contact and recent call information, and access your vo...
Below is a simple guide on how to recover deleted voicemails on iPhone via iTunes/Finder. Step 1: In the beginning, proceed with connecting your iPhone to the computer via USB cable, followed by iTunes/Finder launching on the system. Then, you have to select your iPhone when it appears...
So you can retrieve deleted voicemail by restoring the iTunes backup to your iPhone. The entire data including the saved voicemail will get recovered. Follow the steps below. Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone using the USB cable. ...
Voicemail Not Working on iPhone: Reasons and Fixes iCloud Is Greyed Out: Why and How to Fix It [Comprehensive Guide] How to Share an Album on iPhone 6 Easy Fixes to iPhone Not Found in iTunes 9 Solutions to iCloud Video Not Uploading on PC ...
Part 2: How to Recover Deleted Voicemail on iPhone Directly Step 1. Run the program and connect your iPhone to the computer Install and run the iPhone Data Recovery tool. Connect your iPhone to the computer through USB cable. Then you will see a primary window. For iPhone 4 and 3GS user...
Change the default PIN on your voicemail. Protect your voicemail with a unique pin that hackers cannot guess. Here’s how to change your voicemail password on iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Report scams to WhatsApp. This helps WhatsApp shut down similar scams in the future. To report ...
Want to send files from your Mac to your iPhone wirelessly? This guide shows you how to AirDrop from Mac to iPhone in 3 steps. Read on.
I was switching from an old iphone to android and really wanted to save my text messages. I reached out on a Sunday with a question and received a reply within minutes!!! Wow! It turned out it was an easy fix. I was able to follow the instructions and had all my messages saved in...