If you are a seasoned DIYer, expect the installation to take about two hours. For beginners who do not know how to install soffit vents, it could be as long as four hours. If you are unsure whether you can handle soffit vent installation on your own, then find a roofer who can help...
The gas units (which have the highest capacity, and thus are the most popular type) require a flue to vent combustion by-products created by the burner's firing. Because burners on tankless water heaters require a high volume of gas, they require a larger-than-normal flue to safely vent ...
First Aid for the Ailing House: How not to use a soffit ventQ: I have four bathroom exhaust fans and one in my kitchen forventing the range hood/microwave...Henri de Marne
Take the time to talk with your neighbors as well to give them a heads up on your plans for dominating the landscape with your new garage. If they don't like it then at least they can get used to the idea while you get underway. If you live in a neighborhood controlled by a homeow...
The windows used here are standard vinyl windows. They are placed in each rough opening and stapled in place on the outside. The front-most window is the feature window of this house: Roofing This house uses standard asphalt shingles for the roof. The first step is to cover the roof wi...
A barbed fin on the vinyl bulb weatherstrip is pressed into the groove, and friction keeps it there. This type of weatherstripping is very effective if installed properly, but the hard part is finding someone who has the equipment and know-how to install it. ...