It should allow you to run and use Vim in the currently running container. But there is a big problem with this approach. If yourun a new containerwith the same Docker image, the Vim command you had installed will not be present in this new container. You'll have to install it again....
To illustrate, in this article, we will explain how to installDockeronRHEL-based distributionssuch asCentOS,Rocky/Alma Linux, andDebian/Ubuntu, and spin up an Apache container fromDocker Hub. We will then use it to serve a simple web page from our home directory – all without the need to...
You can either open a shell into your running container and then edit the file.docker exec -it <containername> bashordocker exec -it <containername> ashand then usevimto edit the file. Maybe you need to installvimor the editor of your choice. This is not a good idea because the most...
Note:Learn aboutNFS Docker Volumesand see how to create and use them. How to Install NFS Client Perform the following steps on all the machines you wish to set up as clients for sharing. Step 1: Install NFS Common Install the NFS common package on every client machine you want to use. ...
Step 1: Install the build dependencies Step 2: Download the Vim source code Step 3: Configure the Vim build Step 4: Compile and install Vim Customizing Vim Set the color scheme to a specific theme: See also: There are several ways to install Vim on Linux. In this blog, we will cover...
Note:If you don't have Vim on your system, check out our guides onHow to Install Vim on Ubuntu. Copy, Cut, and Paste in Normal Mode In normal mode, you can copy with theycommand (yank), cut withd(delete), and paste withp(put). These commands work on characters, lines, or block...
vim Dockerfile . Inside the file, replace7.4with the correct version of PHP: FROMphp:7.4-apache RUN docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql This code tells Docker to use the official PHP image version7.4 with Apache. It then installs thepdo_mysqlextension to work with MySQL. ...
RUN["apt-get", "update"] RUN["apt-get", "install", "vim"] Every image created with that Dockerfile will have Vim pre-installed and ready to go. You can replace "Vim" with your editor of choice, such as Nano or GNU Emacs. Keep in mind that the commands in the square brackets ...
To install Docker on Ubuntu, in the terminal window enter the command: sudo apt install Step 4: Start and Automate Docker The Docker service needs to be setup to run at startup. To do so, type in each command followed by enter: ...
Vim is a highly configurable and popular text editor. It is an improved version of the vi editor. In this tutorial post, we are going to show you the steps to install Vim on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. In Ubuntu, you can find Nano as a default editor. ...