1. Create an Ubuntu 22.04 Virtual Machine on Oracle VirtualBox First, you need to create an Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine. The process is very straightforward and describedin this article. To enable the nested virtualization for a virtual machine on Windows and on macOS: Windows:Go to the virtu...
Step 8. Choose hard disk to install to Next, select the hard disk you are going to install Ubuntu server 18.04 on. In this case, I’m using VirtualBox to install Ubuntu server 18.04. If you have multiple hard drives, they will be listed for you to select. Step 9. File System Summar...
we take a look on how to install GUI on Ubuntu server 18.04. Because GUI is notorious for exerting heavy demands on CPU and RAM, we will only focus on the installation of Light-weight desktop environments
In this tutorial,we will go step-by-step through installing and configuring the VNC Server on an Ubuntu 22.04 machine, and we’ll look at how we can connect to it via VNC desktop client on our other PC using a secure SSH tunnel. We will also install some of the most popular desktop ...
Setting up a mail server on Ubuntu can be a daunting task for many, but with the right guidance and understanding, it becomes an achievable goal. In this
Step 1: Install a Desktop Environment If you intend to connect via VNC to an Ubuntu 22.04 or 20.04 server, then you’ll notice that the server doesn’t come with a preinstalled Desktop Environment. On booting up, you will get a command-line interface to execute your commands. ...
Installing Ubuntu Server 1. Configure the language and update the installer Either start your virtual machine or insert your USB drive into your machine and boot it up. In the first window, select (using your keyboard up/down arrows)Try or install Ubuntu Serverand hit Enter on your keyboard....
0.运行环境:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 1.用 OpenLDAP 搭建 LDAP 服务器,尝试对学生信息进行增删改查,信息包括但不限于学生 id 、密码、邮箱、手机号、部门等。 1.1 搭建LDAP服务器 $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install slapd ldap-utils#安装配置软件$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd#对slapd进行再配置 ...
Once Xfce is installed, install the tightvncserver package on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install tightvncserver -y When the installation completes, start the VNC server for the first time (IMPORTANT:you must start the VNC server using the user account you will use to sign in to VNC, not from ...
How do you install Docker on Linux? I'm going to show you how to do just that. I'll demonstrate on Ubuntu Server 22.04, which means the process should work on any Ubuntu (or Debian) based distribution. As far as Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based distributions (such as Rocky Linux, AlmaLi...